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November 2022
Picture: Steve Burns - Caption: From the President & CEO
President's Letter

A couple of weeks ago, we hosted a reception for our fundholders in Sandpoint. According to the 2020 Census, Sandpoint has 8,639 residents. The Sandpoint Metro Area has about 42,000. As we gathered with 25 fundholders, it was easy to see that Sandpoint has a large number of fundholders for a town of its size.

Over the last three years, Bonner County, where Sandpoint is located, has received the 6th highest amount of ICF grants on a per capita basis. It makes sense, given how many fundholders there are in the county.

While I am delighted that ICF is making such an impact in Sandpoint and the surrounding communities, I found myself asking a simple question — why? I believe there are several factors:

  1. The Sandpoint area is filled with people who care deeply about their community and want to give back in a significant way. The people in that room that night are proof of this.
  2. People helped spread the word that the Idaho Community Foundation is a great organization with many ways to help people meet their charitable goals and ensure their legacy.
  3. Estate attorneys, CPA’s, financial advisors and community leaders in the Sandpoint area suggest ICF to their clients and friends who are making decisions about what to do with their assets.
  4. The nonprofit community of Sandpoint has benefitted from grants, which in turn benefits the people living in the area. The word spreads, which causes even more people to join the ICF community.

If you are reading this and are a resident of Bonner County, thank you for partnering with the Idaho Community Foundation. If you live somewhere else in the state and want your community to benefit in the way that Sandpoint has, please let us know. We are happy to meet with a community-minded group of people in your town to talk about how to recreate what Sandpoint has.

Best wishes,

Background: A group of people at a party. - Caption: The 2022 Grangeville Community Foundation Board of Directors.
10 years of community giving in Grangeville

A decade ago, a small group of Grangeville friends and neighbors saw new potential in their close-knit town – an opportunity to give together rather than individually to support schools, nonprofits, and other community organizations.

And was it ever successful! Last week the Grangeville Community Foundation (GCF) celebrated its 10-year anniversary. During that time, they’ve given more than 139 grants totaling $118,000.

GCF is an affiliate of the Idaho Community Foundation, which provided advice and financial support in GCF’s early years and continues to provide administrative support today.

GCF Board Member Carla Wilkins said a community fund to support Grangeville resonates with local residents.

“Before GCF, when the swim team needed lane ropes — we fundraised. The T-ball team needed equipment — we fundraised,” Wilkins recalled. “The GCF idea of creating an endowment to take care of those items just made sense.”

In addition to providing grant support, GCF also created the Orrin and Eleanora Webb Community Giving Award to honor community members who demonstrate the spirit of philanthropy. This year, the award was given to all GCF donors to thank them for helping build sustainable philanthropy, said Board Member Mary Jahn.

 “We have many hardworking people in Grangeville doing great things for our community,” Jahn said. “GCF is helping to support this great work by providing funds for their projects that ultimately build a better place to live for all of us.”

In the future, GCF will continue raising awareness of its work in Grangeville. The long-term fundraising goal is to have an endowment of $1 million, which would provide nearly $43,000 in grants each year.

That means there would be even more support for schools, the library, fire department, senior center, ski hill, swimming pool and more. And because it’s an endowment, it will last forever while continuing to grow through investment and new donations.

“Even people who may not be aware of GCF have most likely been touched by grants we’ve awarded,” said Wilkins.
Email GCF for more information about their work in Grangeville. 
Background: Blue with a picture of Lisa Bearg - Caption: Family Philanthropy Certified
Lisa Bearg earns new certification

ICF’s Senior Philanthropic Advisor Lisa Bearg recently became a 21/64 Certified Advisor, the only one in Idaho. It’s a designation that means she has training and experience working with multigenerational families to help them hone their philanthropic giving.

“There are profound differences in the way different generations view philanthropy,” says Lisa, who has worked for ICF for eight years. “We’re able to help families navigate those conversations to ensure their giving is effective and meaningful to all members.”

Lisa works closely with ICF’s Donor Advised Fundholders, many of whom involve their children and/or grandchildren in decisions about which Idaho nonprofits and causes to support. She said 21/64 training helps her facilitate deep, thoughtful conversations about family values and how fundholders want to support their community.

“One of my favorite conversations was with a family with three generations, including a 9-year-old,” Lisa recalls. “They each shared learning and insight that helped them understand each other better. It was magical to witness.”

Learn more about Donor Advised Funds or any of the Idaho Community Foundation’s charitable giving opportunities.
Background: Group of women at a party. Caption: In Idaho for Good. Make a gift that celebrates what you love about living here.
Background: Two women sitting at a table with paperwork in front of them. Caption: Forever Idaho South Central Background: Group of people doing work outdoors. Caption: Shelton Fund Grantees

Our Forever Idaho South Central grant cycle is awarding more than $117,000 in support to 22 organizations in the Magic Valley and Wood River Valley – including domestic violence programs, senior centers, libraries and more. 

Grantees are from Blaine, Cassia, Gooding, Jerome, Lincoln, and Twin Falls counties. One of the unique aspects about Forever Idaho grants is that they are flexible and can be used for the recipients’ greatest needs.
Mary Fauth, executive director of the Blaine County Charitable Fund, said that flexible funding is essential for their work.

“Not all situations are cookie cutter,” Fauth said. “We try to address each household’s crisis in a unique way that will potentially have the greatest impact.”

For Idaho Diabetes Youth Programs, Inc., the grant will allow them to expand their programming efforts throughout southern Idaho for children with type 1 diabetes and their families. The flexibility of the grant is essential, said executive director Lisa Gier.

“We serve children and their families, regardless of their ability to pay,” said Gier. “These funds will make it possible for us to continue that charge, even as we grow.”

For The Advocates in Hailey, which helps people who have experienced abuse or violence, the grant helps them focus on programs. “We will be able to reach and provide services to some of the most rural and underserved communities in central Idaho with help from the grant,” said Tricia Swartling, CEO of The Advocates.

Simply Hope Family Outreach in Burley plans to use their grant for their Teen Hope center, which teaches life skills through evidence-based programs and peer coaching.

“This grant from the Idaho Community Foundation is just right for Teen Hope,” said Sheri Allred, project director. “There are so many life skills you can learn through experiences.”

This year’s Forever Idaho South Central grantees are: 

Blaine County 
Advocates for Survivors of Domestic Violence, Inc. - $8,000
Blaine County Charitable Fund, Inc. - $10,000
Blaine County School District Education Foundation - $5,000
Blaine County Seniors’ Council, Inc. - $4,000
Idaho Mediation Association, Inc. - $1,000
The Alliance of Idaho - $10,000
The Space Idaho, Inc. - $2,806

Cassia County 
Cassia County Historical Society, Inc. - $1,000
Golden Heritage Senior Center - $4,000
Simply Hope Family Outreach - $14,410
Gooding County 
Children’s Museum of The Magic Valley, Inc. - $5,000
Gooding Public Library Foundation - $2,282
Idaho Diabetes Youth Programs, Inc. - $14,350
Northwest Association for Blind Athletes - $7,500

Jerome County 
Jerome County Senior Citizens Service Area, Inc. – $2,000 

Lincoln County 
Shoshone School District #312 - $4,000
Twin Falls County 
Ageless Senior Citizens - $3,000
Everybody House - $1,000
La Posada, Inc. - $4,020
Twin Falls Optimist Youth House - $4,306
Valley Housing Coalition - $4,000
Voices Against Violence, Inc. - $5,499


The Perc H. Shelton and Gladys A. Pospisil Shelton Foundation Advised Fund in the Idaho Community Foundation has awarded 17 grants totaling $44,500 to community organizations that serve Valley County.

Recipients are:
Building Hope Today Foundation, Inc. – $5,000 to provide training and technical assistance to prosecute child sexual abuse cases.

Central Idaho Historical Museum – $2,000 to replace the existing light fixtures with ones that are duplicates of the Warden’s House original, historic light fixtures.

Elderly Opportunity Agency, Inc. – $3,000 for transportation service and vehicle maintenance to provide reliable and safe transportation to their appointments.

Girl Scouts of Silver Sage Council, Inc – $2,000 to provide leadership and life skills to girls attending Camp Alice Pittenger each summer.

id Theater, Inc. – $3,000 for fees, transportation and related costs for professional artists and mentors, as well as a dedicated arts education coordinator for 2023.

Idaho Assoc. for the Education of Young Children – $3,500 for general operations.

Idaho Conservation Corps – $3,500 to establish a gear fund and purchase field equipment needed to educate and employ young people.

Idaho Shakespeare Festival, Inc. – $2,500 to support the 2022-2023 Valley County portions of the ISF’s educational outreach tours.

McCall College Foundation Inc. – $2,000 to improve the organization’s ability to communicate effectively on crucial issues for Valley County.

McCall Folklore Society – $1,000 to provide scholarships to youth who want to learn bluegrass instruments such as mandolin, fiddle, and banjo.

McCall Ski Heritage Foundation – $1,500 toward the McCall Ski Heritage Museum.

McCall Winter Sports Club – $2,000 to help offset the cost of coach certifications and training.

McCall Youth Hockey Association – $1,500 to provide scholarships and purchase gear to make hockey accessible to all youth no matter their income.

MCPAWS, Inc. – $3,000 to provide spay/neuter surgeries for shelter animals.

Payette Lakes Ski Club – $3,000 to provide and expand afterschool transportation services.

Roots Forest School – $1,000 to provide scholarship assistance.

Shepherd’s Home, Inc. – $3,500 to provide health insurance support for house parents.

Snowdon Wildlife Sanctuary – $1,500 to train interns, provide modest stipends and support their travel to rescue injured wild animals.

Background: Fall Leaves. Caption: Join Idaho Community Foundation as a member today! Background: Blue Color - Caption: New Funds Memorials and Honors

A membership in the Idaho Community Foundation is a great way to show you care about our state and the people who live here.

Hundreds of Idahoans are members of ICF. This network is our eyes and ears in every community – helping us understand the needs where they live and which people and organizations are making an impact.

Your membership supports our work as we respond to Idaho’s greatest needs through grantmaking, partnerships and more. You can join us or renew your membership online. Thank you!

Brundage Mountain Community Fund – Created to support and enhance the charitable needs and interests of the West Central Mountain communities.

James and Diana Dean Family Fund – Created by Dr. James and Diana Dean of Nampa to support local charities and causes.

John and Betty Pastoor Charitable Trust Fund – Created by the John Pastoor and Betty Rae Pastoor Charitable Trust of Twin Falls to support the Wellness Tree Community Clinic, Twin Falls Optimist Youth House, Rising Stars Therapeutic Riding Center, Valley Housing Coalition and Voices Against Violence.

John & Betty Pastoor Charitable Trust – MV Arts Council Fund – Created by the John Pastoor and Betty Rae Pastoor Charitable Trust of Twin Falls to support the Magic Valley Arts Council.

Scheid Family Fund – Created by Gerald and Carrie Scheid of Idaho Falls to support local charities and causes.

The Idaho Community Foundation recognizes gifts made as memorials to those who have passed or as a tribute to honor someone. Memorial and honor donations can be made on our website, by check or by transfer from a bank, brokerage account, IRA, etc. When possible, gifts received from IRAs, donor advised funds, etc. will recognize the name of the person who requested the donation.

The following gifts were received since our last newsletter:

In Memory of Daniel Bonaminio
Ray and Linda Stark

In Memory of Anna Marie Gortsema
Susan Brown

In Honor of Sara Hartley
Brian Smith

In Memory of Jeff Kutner
Susan Brown

In Memory of Kevin Calhoun Townsley
Carol Joblin

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